Telling the time

Telling  the time is one of the most challenging areas of the Maths curriculum.  But why? This pack with help take some of the mystery out of learning this key skill.
Initially we teach the concept of time through routines and timetables.  We use daily procedures to help with this. Our days of the week song helps with the sequence, (sung to the tune of the Adams family ..... there's Monday and then Tuesday, Wednesday and then Thursday, Friday and then Saturday and Sunday ends the week- days of the week clap clap days of the week clap clap........)  In year one children start to learn about o'clock and half past times. The new demands of the curriculum means that by year 2 children are compairng times in practical ways - (speeds of races for example) and understanding how to tell the time on digital and analouge clocks within 5 minutes.