Coronavirus Update 20.3.20

20th March 2020

Dear parents/carers


COVID-19 UPDATE 20.3.2020


It was a sad day today, watching those children leave, not knowing when we will see them again but we have to think positive and see this as an opportunity for some exciting independent learning for them. I have a few updates below, if any of these apply to you then please email me on as soon as you can. Provision for children and provision for free school meals takes time to plan for, please bear this in mind and give us as much notice as possible. Cases will be assessed and responded to individually.


Now that schools are closed to most pupils, parents/carers need to be doing everything they can to ensure children are not mixing socially in a way which can continue to spread the virus, they should be observing the same social distancing principles as adults. Continue washing hands


Children whose parent/parents are key or critical workers and vulnerable children


The federation will be providing an educational provision for children who fall into the above category (please check in last communication for definitions). Government states that,  “If it is at all possible for children to be at home, they should be to limit the chance of the virus spreading. The fewer children making the journey to school, and the fewer children in educational settings, the lower the risk that the virus can spread and infect vulnerable individuals in wider society.Many parents working in these sectors may be able to ensure their child is kept at home. And every child who can be safely cared for at home should be.

If only one member of your household is a keyworker please consider the above before applying for school provision. You may be asked questions regarding your work status and capacity to provide care at home if there is a non keyworker at home.


What will the provision look like?

One class in one school at one time will be open from 0900-1530 Monday to Friday. This applies to what would normally be school holidays so our critical workers can continue doing their wonderful work. The provision will be manned initially by 3 members of school staff of the federation at any time. Staff will work on a rota system so they will differ from day to day. We are beginning with the provision open at Boskenwyn School as there is greater need there. So for week commencing 23rd March 2020, provision will be at Boskenwyn School. Only children who have confirmed places will be able to attend. Please email if you haven’t done already. If children who attend are eligible for free school meals then we will provide them with a packed lunch, if they are not then please send them with a packed lunch. The intention is to alternate setting so Germoe may be open the following week and Boskenwyn closed. We will monitor this and keep you updated on which setting is open for provision. Any further questions on this please email me.


Children eligible for Free School Meals

We have been advised that a national voucher system will be put in place as soon as possible.  Until then, you may order a school packed lunch for your child to be collected from the setting which is open betrween 11.30am and 12.30pm daily. This must be ordered via my email NO LATER THAN 2PM THE DAY BEFORE REQUIRED. You can order on Fridays for the whole week ahead. This does not apply to universal free school meals (free meals for EYFS/Y1 and Y2).


Thank you for your patience in these worrying times and for all your ongoing support.

Take care
