Update 25.6.21

25th June 2021

Dear parents and carers,


SPORTS DAY – We’ve been working hard at trying to give our children a “normal” sports’ day. We thought restrictions would have been lifted by now but unfortunately not. We also have infections rising through the roof to contend with. We have therefore decided that we will still do a whole school sports’ day but keep the children in their class bubbles at a distance. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to invite parents which I know will be a terrible blow to you. The staff will film their own class when they are participating and will post the videos on our secure platform of Seesaw so that you can see your children perform. We will send you a link to the video via email after the event. Sports’ days will be week commencing 5th July (any day dependent on weather), we will let you know the exact day nearer the time so the children can wear their PE kit on that day.

SCHOOL PRODUCTIONS – Each class is presently working on their Summer production. They are having great fun, using their own ideas, creating props, writing songs and scripts etc. These will also be posted on our secure platform and links sent via email.

HEAD LICE – We have had a few cases of head lice reported to us. Please could you check your child’s hair and treat them. I always found a nit comb and conditioner worked best, if everyone does it this weekend then we should be nit-free by Monday.

HAVE A GO DAYS – Please see the attached flyer for activities over the Summer for children with additional needs.

Have a lovely weekend everyone!

Paula Blackburn